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How much do you charge?  What will it cost me? 


These questions likely are similar to one of the first questions you want to ask a home inspector.  This is very understandable.  Every dollar saved can be put toward the purchase of your home so saving money is a good idea. 
Saving money is not a good idea if every dollar saved now, costs you ten dollars a few months down the road.
Asking me for the price of a home inspection is like asking a real estate agent how much it will cost to buy a house.  He will not be able to answer until he has more details.
Many factors can affect the price. The size of the house. The age of the house.Does the house have a garage.Are there other outbuildings to be inspected.Does it have more than one HVAC system.Is the house a townhouse, semi-detached or detached.

Please don't hesitate to ask for a quote on my "Contact us" page.  After you  have given some of the necessary details I will give you a quote.  Feel free to email or call me as well. (ginspection@yahoo.com) I will do my best to answer any questions you may have.  (You will not be subjected to a high pressure sales pitch.)


And remember:  Don't just look at price; look at value as well. 

If you are price shopping, make sure you compare value with value.  For instance, does "the other guy" offer a warranty or will he be available to answer questions long after the deal has closed.  The price is the amount of money you hand to me at the end of the inspection.  The value is the benefit you receive from the inspection.